
Monday, December 26, 2011

So what did you do this Christmas?

We had a lovely Christmas, filled with friends, fun, and lots of precious gifts under the tree! Most of all, it was our first true Christmas as a family and we were so grateful to be together and enjoy these blessed and merry days!

Pick up Katy Bowman's Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief- you'll love it!

One of the gifts of the holiday season is having a bit more time to catch up on reading. The day before Christmas I finally got Katy Bowman's ''Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief'' - a revolutionary book that will open thousands of people to the unknown universe of feet. We spend so much time expecting our feet to just be there for us and carry us around, that it's only when they hurt that we pay attention to what we've been doing to them! Katy is a witty and brilliant author, a great scientist and an influence you want to have in your life, if heath is one of your priorities. Find what a ''foot gym'' is, how the feet influence your posture and pelvic floor, how to choose ''healthy shoes'' and have a better 2012 from the ground up!

pineapple guava - look for it and try it!
We ate lots of delicious meals, both at home and at friend's and family parties, but our most favorite discovery was the rare and delicious pineapple guava  - a tropical fruit that apparently does well even in the colder parts of the world. The precious green fruits are hard and glossy on the outside, smell heavenly - like lime, pineapple and cheesecake all rolled up into one, and as you bite them you meet a fleshy inside that is the closest nature has to custard. The little seeds are soft and easy to swallow and you find it hard not to keep going back for more. Guavas last a very short time, so make sure you eat them as soon as you buy them. 

playing with the sled in Central park

Did you get to exercise this Christmas? We got to train quite a bit and went through some fun kettlebell practice and sled dragging - the great thing about this sled is that it's super compact and you can easily load it up with kettlebells and drag, run or sprint. It's relatively smooth on cement, but watch out for wet grass - it slows down dramatically! We were rather sore from it - obliques, glutes and calves, so we took yesterday off and just walked around the pier and watched the seagulls.

inside every seagull is a duck (a big one!)

Be healthy and happy this holiday season, enjoy the end of 2011 and welcome 2012 with joy and excitement! Let me know how you spent your time and what are your plans for the new year!

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