
Friday, July 22, 2011

Breakfast for yoga champions

poached eggs with cumin sweet potatoes

I got home from yoga practice this morning and I felt like I had not eaten in days. The fridge sometimes looks like a cave on Friday mornings - our farmers' market loot from Saturday is almost gone, leaving a few basics behind. It's always refreshing to use simple food items to make a delightful meal - one that will sing from your fork with every bite, one that will make abundant energy flow through you.

To make this meal for one, I used:

1 tbsp coconut oil (we get ours from Tropical traditons
1 medium sweet potato, peeled, grated
1 tbsp cumin (whole)
pinch Himalayan salt
2 eggs

To prepare the bed of sweet potatoes, I grated and mixed them with the coconut oil and salt. In a pan over medium heat, I placed the potatoes and put just enough water (about 1/2 cup) to cover them. Once the water was evaporated, they kept cooking in the coconut oil until nicely golden around the edges. Then it was time to toast the cumin and add to the sweet potatoes. In the meantime, I heated about 4 cups of water in a deep pot and brought it to a boil. Once it was boiling I dropped the eggs and let them poach for about 5 minutes. The great thing about using a deep pot that does not have a huge diameter is that the eggs move up and down and don't stick to anything.

I served the potatoes laying them down evenly with a fork, placed the eggs on top, sprinkled some cumin and I was ready for my day. The combination of coconut oil and sweet potato is a melty, velvety, sweet and salty adventure for anyone who hasn't tried them before and a much awaited pleasure for everyone else.  Please enjoy responsibly, there will never be any leftovers, no matter how much you make.


  1. this looks delightful. think it would work with regular shredded potatoes (like hashbrowns?)

  2. Thank you for your kind comment! It should work perfectly, I would however use ghee or butter for the regular potatoes! Let me know how it turns out!

  3. What an inspiring idea for a post workout meal! :)

  4. It makes my day that you find it inspiring! I am sure it will taste satisfying without the cumin and some cinnamon or pumpkin spice instead ;) You could use pumpkin too and make it work great on the sweet side :)
