
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baby Greens Experiment

baby greens in a pot

A few months ago I was shopping for herb and spice seeds and picked up a packet of lettuce seeds. I planted them and shortly after I had about a few hundred little guys growing on my balcony. This week I cut twice from that pot and today I harvested the last baby greens, as seen below.

just harvested baby greens

It's fun growing your own baby greens. They only take a few weeks, they are absolutely delicious, crunchy and flavorful and make delightfully pretty salads. You can harvest them at different sizes and they can amaze your friends and neighbors.

Here is how to grow them.

1. Buy a packet of lettuce seeds.

2. Plant seeds covering them with a very thin layer of soil.

3. Grow in a sunny spot and water every two days, careful not to move the seeds with the water.

4. Thin out when the first two leaves appear.

5. If you intend to grow them larger, separate in larger containers. For the ease and lack of fuss I will keep mine baby greens baby sized.

6. Harvest with scissors and wash and eat immediately as they wilt fast.

Baby greens are great to grow on your balcony оr in your garden. A natural enemy of the baby green is the very nosy magpie, particularly the ones living across my building. They enter shamelessly and step all over the pots. Make sure you cover yours with nets if you have those guys living around you.

Оn the same note, here is an amazing video about growing your own salad bowls. Thanks for this go out to the very resourceful Mr. Denzel.

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