
Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day. I hope all my readers' hearts are warm today. Of course, today we'll eat heart food. Heart shaped ravioli, heart shaped chocolates, heart shaped pancakes and heart shaped cookies. Some of you will. My only heart shaped meal today is breakfast and so this post is about breakfast, or brunch, or a late afternoon snack, because this heart food goes very well with coffee. This breakfast also goes out to my favorite man in the whole world (you know who you are).

To make your heart breakfast for two, you need:

3-4 apples (good for the heart, they have fiber)
1/3 cup rolled oats (great for the heart, they have fiber)
1 tbsp butter (amazing for the heart, it has CLA)
1 tbsp honey
4 tbsp heavy cream
1 tbsp ground cinnamon/cloves/nutmeg / allspice (great for the heart and soul)


Cut the apples in circles and use a sharp knife to cut the prettiest heart shapes you can. Don't go for perfection, and if some look small and some big and some fat and some skinny and some broken, that's ok, like people, all hearts are different. Set aside all the cuttings as you will use them to make apple crisp later.

Place the apple hearts on a baking sheet, sprinkle with the spices and cook at 325 F (160 C) until they are brown on one side and then flip over. Place on kitchen paper to cool off and serve with honey later.


Use small baking pans to make individual crisps. Split the apple cuttings (seeds and core removed) in between the pans and add butter. Cook until apples are soft. Take out, sprinkle with the spices and and split the oats on top. Place half the honey in the center of one and the rest at the center of the other pan. Pour the heavy cream on top of both, 2 tbsp each, and cook until the oats are golden brown at the same temperature you cooked the apple hearts.

Enjoy with someone you like, or on your own and call someone you like and tell them Happy Valentine's Day.

In Bulgaria, we have many reasons to celebrate today, so

Честит Трифон Зарезан и Заговезни to all my wonderful Bulgarian friends and Happy anniversary to Petya and Petar!


  1. Those look delicious! Happy Valentine's Day, to you, too!

  2. Thanks for your wished and many kisses from us both.
    Petya & Petar
