
About me

I cannot remember my life without movement or the hunger for understanding nutrition. My experience with exercise started on the ballet floor.The dance dream crashed when I was diagnosed with asthma and spent my mid teenage years attached to medication and doing nothing at all - I watched myself get out of shape for a good three years. At the end of the battle, I resolved to eating healthy and moving again so I could win my body and spirit back. I had no idea that teaching people how to eat and move would become my career. I majored in British and American studies and linguistics, and worked as a personal trainer on the side. After graduation, I quickly realized that my passion for teaching others stretched beyond teaching the English language and discovered a renewed passion for my professional education and growth. I worked hard on my certifications and then went on to work under the mentorship of physical therapists, dietitians and doctors, who gave me the support I needed to grow and keep growing as a personal trainer and nutrition counselor. I went from being self employed, to co-owning a personal training studio, to discovering a great passion for writing and publishing. I have published two books, coauthored one more and I have two more forthcoming as we speak! I enjoy the honor of lecturing at conferences and retreats, and educating audiences in my home country of Bulgaria and here in the US.

I work with clients with various goals: from fat loss and general health, to pregnancy, postnatal recovery, diabetes management, and eating disorders. Over the course of the last few years I have become truly involved in studying the science or alignment. Working on posture improvement and altering daily habits is the center of my current study and professional focus!

When I am not writing, researching, studying or developing a new recipe, you will find me on conference calls with online clients, studying their menus, looking at videos of their workouts or enjoying cropping their before and after pictures. In my free time, I love to be outdoors and walk or hike, practice kettlebell sport, or scout farmer's markets for new and exciting ingredients! I am blessed to have my wonderful husband and brilliant co-author Roland accompany me on those daily adventures.

How do I know I can help you? I strongly believe that each person has unique needs, preferences, desires and dreams and that each person's goals should be achieved in the best way for them. Whether it's breakfast or an exercise, if you are eating the right thing for you, and choosing the right exercise for you, your chances of achieving maximum happiness along the way are optimized and you will get where you want to be. I strongly believe in team work, and connecting my clients to the strongest and smartest individuals, ideas and tools in the world of health and fitness.

Feel free to drop me a line or schedule a free call with me - I would love to meet you and be part of your transformation team!

Galya Denzel, NSCA-CPT, Restorative Exercise™ Specialist

You can easily contact me at: 

Are you pregnant or working with pregnant women? Get my lecture on:

Read more from me in English

I authored the prenatal chapters and 3 exercise workouts in one of the best selling exercise books on the market!

Get the Big Book of Exercises here!

Fit Mommy Secrets shows you everything I do with my clients between the time they give birth and the day they get back in the gym

Get my comprehensive post natal recovery e-manual here!

In Bulgarian only

Volume 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Art of Real Food recipe cards and special wooden collectors' box

You can purchase them in Bulgarian - HERE.

Read my monthly columns on diet and training in Maximum magazine:

Read my diet and exercise articles in MODA magazine:

Read my postnatal training articles at 9 months magazine

Read my weekly column on health, diet and exercise articles at Ladyzone